Monday, December 15, 2014

Perfect Love Story for the Holidays - Madison's Christmas by Carol Ann Kauffman

Christmas is Madison’s favorite holiday, but this year is different. She has to face it alone, without her father and her best friend/boyfriend Bob, amid the problems of running her own high-stakes business and dealing with family issues. 
Can the spirit of Christmas lift a heavy heart?

A perfect love story for the holidays - available on Amazon Madison's Christmas - Carol Ann Kauffman 

My Christmas Chat with Carol Ann Kauffman...

1)      What is your favorite thing about Christmas?
I love to decorate for Christmas.  My mother was a minimalist, so I go all out. I usually have at least one Christmas tree up by Thanksgiving evening or the next day.  I like a Christmas tree in the dining room because that’s where the company usually congregates. 
2)      Do you have a special memory of the holidays you hold close to your heart?
Yes, I do.  I am the baby of the family and when I was little, my dad wanted to make picking out the family tree a memorable occasion, so he would take us out to a tree farm to pick out our tree.  Sometimes we rode in a horse-drawn sleigh or hay wagon, and once in some jeepy thing that bounced you all over the place.  And we always found the most beautiful, perfectly shaped tree in the whole world.  And then we got it home… It either didn’t fit in the door, was too tall for the ceiling, or was too crooked when he put it in the tree stand.  So he would drag it back outside and do a little chopping.  He would drag it back in, and now it was too short, or one side was bare, or whatever.  By that time, the Christmas mood had evaporated and my mother was shouting obscenities at him, at me, at the universe.  My father would then call his cousin Joe, who would go to a local parking lot tree sale, pick one, any one, and bring it over.  Dad would meet him outside with the tree stand and Joe would make sure it fit and he would bring it in.  Everyone went to his or her designated room until the next day.  When I was in junior high, we decided as a family to just call Joe first and eliminate the memorable sleigh or wagon ride in the country with jingling bridles and the new fallen snow.  When I was in high school, we bought an artificial tree, but I always remembered the special family tree-picking outings in the country.   
3)      What inspired you to write your Christmas Story?
Actually, I was approached by a group of indie authors who wanted to get together and make a Christmas anthology.  I agreed and got right to work, and when time came to get the stories together, either illness or accident or family issues got in the way, so no one else did it.  I decided to self-publish it and donate the author profits to St. Jude’s Children’s Hospital.
4)      For fun…If you could kiss anyone under the mistletoe…Who would it be?
The Tenth Doctor, David Tennant, of Doctor Who fame.  Yep, that would do it.

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